
A day in the life of...

those with the disorders each game touched upon.

Emotional and behavioral disorders are forms of mental illnesses that are often diagnosed based on signs and symptoms, which are sometimes grouped into four categories:

* mood or emotional symptoms (ie: feeling sad),

* motivational symptoms (such as difficulty making decisions),

* cognitive symptoms (concerning thought, such as worry or pessimism), and

* physical symptoms, (such as bodily aches or pains).

While diagnostic systems are often criticised, they are very influential and important to consider. Everyone feels certain ways at certain degrees at certain times, some just feel them stronger and for longer periods of time. Thankfully, like other health issues, many disorders are treatable by medicine, therapy, support from others, and perseverance! Each game touched upon various emotional and behavioral disorders that are often described with the emotions or moods each game is titled. The following is accounts from young individuals who discuss their life and what it is like for them living with what they have. It is important to keep in mind that everyone experiences things differently, and therefore handles things differently.

I'm feeling sad.

I'm feeling worried.
I'm feeling agitated.
I'm feeling impulsive.
I'm feeling guilty.
Paraphrased from OpenLearn